Monday, June 21, 2010

Westward Ho!

The weekend found my husband and I traveling through northern Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. What tremendous, impressive country: huge mountains dating back 200 million years, cool Plains Indian Pow Wow in Cody, national parks (among them Yellowstone and Teton). It was so interesting to notice that the colors found in nature are very similar to the colors I like most when working with hook or needles. Got some fantastic beads in Jackson Hole to try out the newest "tool" in my quiver of techniques: lace knitting with beads! Can't wait to experiment. Saw buffalo, elk, bald eagle, and antelope. Would sure have loved to see bears like we used to in Yellowstone when I was a child.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sort, Search, Separate, Repeat

Tonight I went through the remnants of my overwhelming visit to TNNA. Organized receipts (travel and purchases) filed all my notes and handouts, delighted in what was ordered for the store and planned which new yarns need samples made. This after a day full of weeding, planting, and taking my car in for state inspection. But we're set now. I can hardly wait until the UPS trucks start to bring the stash to the store!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Learning New Skills: Bringing Joy to the Journey

Learning a new skill, polishing up on an long-unused talent, trying your hand at baking something incredible .... All these types of mental or physical challenges awaken you to the luxury of a new day. Give yourself something to look forward to. Plan something wonderful to look forward to at least every week, with longer-term wishlists for monthly or annual "goals". Anticipating that upcoming gift/opportunity is at least half of the fun. Make your journey an event! My sentiments, precisely. I'd really forgotten the thrill of Learning outside your normal routine. But it's all beginning to come back ............

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What would I do if I ever had some spare time?

I'd almost forgotten what really drives my engine: What I love to do, to learn, to focus on, to revitalize me. This weekend I have been blessed to rediscover my creative roots. As a retail member of TNNA (The National NeedleArts Association) I have spent the weekend at their national convention. Not only have I been able to take classes in lace knitting and implement beading into their intricate designs, experience the ages-old technique of weaving on a small loom, and learn the Continental style of knitting -- I was able to meet and speak with so many of the women whose genius powers modern needlearts: Laura Nelkin, Lesley Solomon, Nicky Epstein, Liz Gipson, Paula Lishman, to name just a few, whose books and patterns and creativity have been an inspiration to so many of us. Wandering the aisles of vendor exhibits was like feeding my soul the best chocolates ever tasted. At the hotel each evening I have practiced new skills and poured over handouts and articles. I didn't have to sit at the edge of the pond and just dangle my toes -- I have been able to completely immerse myself in yarn, yarn, and more yarn. It would be difficult to put into words the emotional energy these experiences have generated and reignited for me. I've had a blast and can't wait to get back and nurture this rediscovered passion!