Saturday, January 8, 2011

So, I actually did it. All five goals for the week: check! I just have to make file labels for all that filing that is now organized. Amazing. Plus I shoveled out twice. Feeling very successful. Finished another scarf tonight; starting a cowl. Now I can focus on W-2's, 1099's and getting tax materials to accountant. I should easily be able to skein yarn at least two hours a day this week -- plus watch a Netflux movie. Will be at the store next weekend if the snow doesn't foil my plans.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Year Begins Anew

Here it is: 2011. I like those two little "ones" sitting together, very neighborly like. Less zeros in the equation makes for increased coziness. This fresh start means my "to do" list is never-ending. But I will focus the first week in January on only five. Can't do everything all at once. ;-) #1. Get all Christmas decorations put away by Wednesday. (I've decided some items need a completion date.) #2. Finish filing at home. (I may need some time to plow through that stack; ergo, no firm date). #3. Go back to Jenny Craig. Unfortunately, enough said about that. #4. Organize and plan monthly Fiber Features at the store. This means we'll have a project a month for our customers, and it'll be priced at a discount and focused on in our classes. Hope this can begin in February. Watch for it! And finally, #5. A clean office makes a more productive Me. Both my offices have to be tidied by weeks end. Here it is the second day of January and those five already have me feeling overwhelmed. Can I follow through?? Check back in a week and hold my feet to the fire!